
Don’t get me started… Your WebNovice is up to new tricks. 

I have just added a section called Blogroll. It lists websites or blogs that might interest our Calgary Women’s Literary Club members in specific and literature readers in general. I’ve begun with just two (for now…) and I look forward to our members adding other favorites. All you need to do is click on any item under Blogroll and you will be taken to the site. Don’t worry: After perusing you can always return to our trusty CWLC site, which remains open!

“I’ve read this” is by Anne Logan, who has a wealth of experience as a critical reader in publishing and at WordFest. No longer in the publishing world, she is connecting to readers and publishing professionals through this blog. She is an avid reader and does NOT like to keep her opinions to herself.

“Longreads” is a new find for me, so this is on our blogroll on a trial basis. This site is dedicated to storytelling, whether fiction or non-fiction.

If you have a favorite website or blog that suits our literary club, please let me know so I can add it to our Blogroll.

Don’t forget — you can always weigh in on the Blogroll list. Sites are easy to include or (hopefully very rarely) exclude from our site.